Meet the Essentials – as little as possible, as much as necessary
What is essential? Nothing? Everything?
We know that the answer depends very much on who we ask. But we’ve still tried to find some answers – specifically, when it comes to what’s essential for our feet. The result: the Wildling Shoes Essentials! Our favorite models, reduced to the bare essentials. Tested to their limits by the Wildling Shoes Community. Chosen to accompany us all year long, and to join us in being part of the Re:generation.
Tried-and-true Community favorites
Tried-and-true Community favorites
The best ideas often arise in the course of everyday life – in the Wildling Shoes Community, inspiration can come just by wearing our favorite model every day. The feedback helps us to keep finding ways to make our Essentials a little bit better.
Not a trend, an enduring bond
Not a trend, an enduring bond
That’s right, our curated Essentials don’t conform to trends and fads. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: We see them as an antidote to passing fashion trends.
Always one step ahead
Always one step ahead
Continuous improvements have made these models Essentials for the long run. And just like the cycles of nature, this journey never ends – allowing us to be a part of many adventures to come.
Here for us all year round
Here for us all year round
Whether we’re feeling a touch of spring fever or enjoying an autumn stroll, Wildling Shoes Essentials accompany us all year round and offer the perfect model for every season.
Fundo is a versatile low cut for all occasions.
As little as possible: Minimal shoes let you feel like you’re barefoot
Like all Wildling Shoes models, the Essentials are considered minimal shoes. Sure, they might look unusual at first compared with conventional shoes – but their special cut makes them the perfect companions for anyone who loves to walk barefoot.
What is essential for Wildling Shoes, Anna Yona?
Building transparent, long-term supply chains, for one. Or forging new paths in everything we do, and viewing ourselves as part of a regenerative eco-system. In this interview, Wildling Shoes founder Anna Yona shares what the word “essential” means to her, and what all of this has to do with the Wildling Shoes Purpose.